ERC Industry Resources
See how we can help businesses like yours.
Hospitality icon
who we've worked with
Tax-exempt organization or for-profit business, we have the resources to evaluate your specific case
Entertainment Icon
Generally eligible based on shutdowns and other capacity restrictions for doing business. Frequently eligible because of decline in receipts.
Medical industry icon
Doctors & Medical Industry
Prosthodontists, plastic surgeons, and others often eligible if suspension of operations prevented you from performing elective procedures.
Non-profits icon
Non-Profit Organizations
Nonprofits impacted by COVID-19 restrictions that have W-2 employees are most likely eligible to receive the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).
Education / schools icon
Private & Parochial Schools
If you operate a business in the education industry, were impacted by Covid restrictions, and have W2 employees--you are likely eligIble to receive ERC.
Construction icon
Construction Companies
If you own a construction company, were impacted by Covid restrictions, and have W2 employees--you are likely eligIble to receive ERC.
Hospitality icon
Leisure & Hospitality
If you own a business in the leisure and hospitality industry, were impacted by Covid restrictions, and have W2 employees--you are likely eligIble to receive ERC.
Gyms icon
Gyms & Fitness
Generally eligible based on shutdowns and other capacity restrictions for doing business. Frequently eligible because of decline in receipts.
Chambers icon
Chambers which paid their employees W-2 wages during the pandemic, and were impacted by the Covid pandemic in 2020 and/or 2021, are likely eligible to receive the ERC.
Restaurants icon
Restaurant & Bars
Generally eligible based on shutdowns and other capacity restrictions for doing business. Frequently eligible because of decline in receipts.
Legal / Law icon
Law Firms
Potentially eligible if they experienced partial suspension in operations resulting from a order closing the courts and restricting operations.
Vending machine icons
Vending Machine Industry
If you own or distribute vending machines, were impacted by Covid restrictions, and have W2 employees--you are likely eligIble to receive ERC.
Beauty salons icon
Spas, Salons, & Beauty Industry
Frequently eligible due to restrictions in the procedures they could perform, reduced capacity requirements, as well as a decline in receipts.
Startup icon
Startup Businesses
Any business that started after February 15, 2020, with less than $1 million in gross receipts, may be eligible as a Recovery Startup Business for the ERC.
Retail icon
Retail Stores
Generally eligible based on shutdowns and other capacity restrictions for doing business. Frequently eligible because of decline in receipts.
Bowling icon
Bowling Alleys, Arcades, Pool Halls
Arcades, bowling alleys, and pool halls impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are likely eligible to receive the ERC.
Marijuana icon
Cannabis Industry
Arcades, bowling alleys, and pool halls impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are likely eligible to receive the ERC.
Wine icon
If your brewery was affected by a mandated full or partial suspension of operations then you most likely qualify for the ERC.